A large number of internationally renowned cosmetic brands and emerging domestic best-selling brands have companies stationed in the Guangzhou Huangpu Economic and Technological Development Zone. Sunrider (China) Co., Ltd., an international high-end health food, cosmetics, and household products enterprise, has been settled in Huangpu District since 1994 and has been actively participating in various community activities in the district. Sunrider’s high-quality, healthy, and safe products have elevated the company’s brand awareness, and Sunrider has always been one of the shining stars in the Huangpu District.
The Huangpu Economic and Technological Development Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau organized a week-long event, June 23–29, called "Huangpu Beauty Makeup, Safe Use of Makeup, Guangzhou-Macao Cooperation, and Child Friendly.” Many well-known companies joined to promote the event. Sunrider participated and provided a number of videos with scientific information in the field of cosmetics while also showcasing their Oi -Lin® and Kandesen® brands in this event. These included its popular skincare line Kandesn® Pure and the newly launched Kandesn® Lip Colors series and Kandesen® Face Palette, which have won unanimous praise from consumers and experts alike.
A Sunrider Whampoa Factory representative of Sunrider (China) Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Golden Quality Person" from the government of the Development Zone, and Sunrider factory managers and researchers were acknowledged as being “beauty experts” in the Guangzhou Huangpu Economic and Technological Development Zone.
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