Sunrider ‘Love, Share, Grow’ Team Volunteers at Free Food Centers in Korea
An amazing group of Sunriders, comprised of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and staff, packed and distributed more than 500 lunches to people in need at the Babfor Sharing Movement Headquarters in Seoul, Korea, on July 14, 2022. Each meal included a SunBar® Oatmeal Raisin and Sunrider® Shaker Bottle donated by the “Love, Share, Grow” team, who also helped with washing the dishes, cleaning, and environmental clean-up.
This dedicated group of volunteers has partnered with the Dail Welfare Foundation to provide their unconditional support to the homeless and underprivileged eldery who live alone, often without assistance. There are also plans to expand the scope of their giving to reach children, single mothers, and people with disabilities who have been hit the hardest by hardships and recent events.
These Sunrider volunteers are planting the seeds of love in their community by selflessly sharing their time and resources with others, and letting those seeds grow into a sustainable legacy of giving kindness and a hand up to those in need.
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