Dr. Reuben Chen Provides Expert Advice for Reader’s Digest Media
Dr. Reuben Chen, Chief Medical Advisor for Sunrider International, was a featured medical expert in an article about how to manage seasonal depression, also referred to as “seasonal affective disorder.” The article, titled “Signs of Season Depression? 7 Simple Strategies to Help You Feel Better,” appeared in the “The Healthy,” a Reader's Digest website that provides “science-backed and expert-approved answers for pressing health topics that resonate in your life.”
Accessible tips to alleviate seasonal depression are provided throughout the article, including getting natural morning light, sticking to a sleep schedule, getting daily movement, and taking a vitamin D supplement.
This last tip is recommended by Dr. Reuben Chen, who also talks about the importance of getting enough healthy fats from foods such as avocados, almonds, and soybeans in your diet so your body can effectively absorb vitamin D (a fat-soluble vitamin). Dr. Chen adds that these types of foods are also “potent brain foods” that can support a positive mood and help alleviate symptoms of depression.
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