Dr. Reuben Chen Addresses Chronic Pain Management in Origin Magazine
GLOBAL NEWS, Lifestyle
An article by Dr. Reuben Chen, MD, Sunrider board of directors, is featured in the fall print edition of Origin Magazine, a vibrant lifestyle magazine featuring articles by innovative thought leaders in areas such as health and wellness, the environment, culinary arts, and interior design.
Titled, “How to Manage Chronic Pain,” the article highlights “key alternative practices to reprogram your nervous system,” with detailed sections on Tai Chi, Yoga Nidra, Music Therapy, Physical Exercise, Acupuncture, and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT).
As a board-certified medical doctor specializing in sports medicine and pain management, as well as having years of experience and training in Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicine, Dr. Reuben Chen is exceptionally well qualified to write about alternative forms of treatment for chronic pain, a condition that more than one in five Americans suffer from.
In the words of Miranda Pleasant, Founding Editor in Chief, “Origin Magazine is a platform bringing worlds together, building bridges, and giving consciousness an expanded voice in national media.”
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